Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Breaking Up is Hard to Do...

...Unless you're going to create a vintage "Sometimes Store" (true to its name) in his ex-bedroom once he moves his crap out! That's just what Christine Bejasa did. She has created a vintage clothing store in her former boyfriend's former bedroom in her apartment in Pilsen. Getting my dose of Daily Candy and also coming across their ad on Craigslist for the opening of the store, it just seemed too good to be true. But it is. The grand opening was this past Saturday and will be by appointment going forward. And the word on the street is not one thing is priced over $15.00! Vintage millinery all around at a great price with a little bit of "ex-boyfriend was here" in the atmosphere.

Not a bad idea...
Address: 913 W. Cullerton Avenue, First Floor
Fone: (312-243-1229)
Keep your eyes out for the website and online magazine coming out this fall!

Monday, September 7, 2009

"Hello lover..."

As we quickly glide into September and see another turn of seasons, I realize - shit. I've been out of work for 8 months now in 2 major cities. Luckily, I've been able to stretch my money and pay my bills. My circumstances could be much worse and could always get worse. But you really don't realize how little of a life you have and how little you can afford until you set your eyes on a pair of Jeffery Campbell shoes that you just don't want to live without. Voila.

Life isn't always friendly. We work hard, hardly work, and sometimes can't work at all. Some of us have the luxury to buy petty things we don't need like plasma TVs, BMWs, and designer shoes that make us feel better and look fabulous. But we all do the things we need to purchase the necessities to survive and sometimes live off of morsels because we have no choice. What I'm about to say just might sound petty, but I haven't had the luxury to indulge in anything in 8 months, so be it. If I have to cut back on morsels to get these shoes, golly that's what I'll do. Or you could just give me a job to help prevent starvation. Afton 2009!

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