Monday, December 13, 2010

Sometimes Christmas = Survival

It’s winter in this city.
Bitter. Cold. Windy.
It’s the season of giving but it feels as though I have nothing left to give.
It’s a time for cheer but my cheering days have long since been over.
Trying hard to keep the warmth inside when you’re alone with drafty windows, in what still feels like a new city is a trick I have yet to perfect.
I thrive in moments of smiles and holiday that get me by, like snowflakes that trickle down and then melt away.
It seems these last few years the “merry” is dwindling…
But I’ll bundle up inside my parka and shield my eyes from the cruel wind and press on.
I have to.
You have to.
We all have to.
Because around the corner, there is a heat lamp with a space open for you; a crowded fire pit of people keeping each other warm.
And despite our hardships, we remember we are blessed. No matter who you are, or where you are in life - there is something to be thankful for.

This little light of mine.

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