It's the end of a work week, thank God! Some of us work for the weekend and usually makes Friday just a little easier to deal with work-wise. We're pretty much checked out least I am. Hence why I'm blogging rather than focusing on print specs and mail lists. Meh.
I'm about to start a new photography project this weekend (completely unrelated to Friday) and it's left me feeling a little photo antsy. Being that it's Friday I want to know what TGIF looks like to you!
Here's what I wish Friday still sometimes looked like to me...
Long Beach - Ocean and Temple
This is not my photo, but it's what some of my days use to look like. This was the end of my street in Long Beach, and that's my BestFriendRoommatePerson (BFRP), now former roommate but forever best friend. I miss her and this view every single day and wish this is still how it was (LE SIGH). Did I mention I could see the top of the (derrick) highest point of that island from my bedroom balcony? Great photo, yeah? She's also a great photographer.
And here are a few random TGIF favorites...
Happy Friday
Lucy, soaring...
Pick your poison....
It's Friday, I'm in love...
When I went into flickr and typed in "Happy Friday" oddly, a lot of the photos are flowers and animals. I don't look at a dog and think "yay Friday!" However, this one made it into the mix because...duh, he's effing adorable and...a beagle, FTW!
Happy Floppy Friday!
Fun in the middle of an otherwise boring Friday
Get back to work...