Saturday, January 4, 2014

This is just part of a piece that I came across on the blog Rebel Society. Sometimes you read something that slaps you in the face and you're all like, "CHURRRCH!" It makes you retract, reconsider, and re-prioritize. But then an hour goes by, a phone call, a few texts, and we carry on with our lives unchanged and continuing down the same path it has been. And we wonder why we're unfulfilled.

...Prior to my inner pilgrimage, it felt like I was just spinning my wheels. I was always happy, but a bit confused. I knew there was more, but I just couldn’t get there. It was out of my reach. Now I felt distinct, fulfilled and happy — a wonderful combo platter.
Ultimately, as a result of my introspective time spent not dating, I figured out the best way to enter into a meaningful relationship:

Be the love you want; be the person you want to meet; be solid.

There is no point getting involved with another human when we need them to complete us. That is a recipe for emptiness, confusion & disaster. We are already complete; we just have to open our mind and soul to see it. It’s right there, inside of all of us. The key is that you have to experience it for yourself, not just read about it. You have to walk the walk, and there will be days that it’s going to hurt like hell.
Sometimes it takes losing your mind in order to find your soul; but, there is a major upside to all of this. We attract exactly who we are to ourselves. With that equation how can we lose? When you come together with another self-actualized person, the energy fueling that type of relationship is indescribable. It’s pure magic and much different than anything you may have experienced prior to your metamorphosis.

“Where there is great love, there are always miracles.” 
~Willa Cather

Time gave me the gift of realizing that I wasn’t my parents, my friends or anyone else but myself. This is my feature film. My love song. The fear of having the same experience as another person’s horrible relationship or re-living a bad break-up went right out the window.
Take the time to explore, meditate, pray and enjoy your life, alone. Figure your shit out, however painful it is. On the other side of that pain is a rainbow with unicorns that live in the land of possibilities. When you think about it, what is 6 or 12 months in the course of a lifetime? It’s a blink of an eye. We are setting the stage for the rest of our lives.
Settling, in our relationships — be it with a partner, the person we chose to be the mother or father of our children, even our friends — is not a viable option. Our time is too precious to waste it on the wrong relationship just because we’re lonely.

Blast through that lonely feeling; it’s not real. We are never alone.

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