Friday, July 20, 2012

Something Good

In daylight I smile with a veiled frown
People pass by the heart in the puddle because I hide it so well
In moonlight I fall asleep with tears and wake up alone
Because loneliness creeps into my room and blankets my queen-size bed
They say things like, “life is what you make it” or "everything works out in time"
But sometimes it all feels like an endless maze
When one thing settles, something else is disturbed
The sun stops shining and the rain comes down
And even if the rain stops and the sun shines
The ground will crack with a returning thirst
They say that love goes anywhere...
But it seems like you gave in to what you can't see
The summer air on my skin feels like the warmth of hope and reminds me of your smile
They say “something good is never easy"
And all we can do is embrace the good and venture out on the winding road
Because worry and fear never gets us anywhere
It puts you at a fork in the road before what was just a curve ahead;
An opportunity to take a wrong turn
Where this is broken is on you - it is not where you will find me
The more you pull constricts the fall
The more you think the less you're taught
Heaven help those who don't change
With faith in this heavy heart I embrace the frightening uncertainty to grow and learn
“With you, but not without me,” she says. us all to keep the faith

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