Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ooo! Pick me, pick me!

The leaves are falling and temperatures are dropping here in Chicagoland and I don't have the money to buy a decent pair of winter boots to keep my California toes warm. I've been out of a job for almost ten months now and the holidays are fast approaching. I never thought it would ever take this long to find my next job after being laid-off. And now in the last several months when I'm finally getting interviews, I never seem to be the winning candidate. Which is even more frustrating. I keep hearing "there are more jobs, things are looking up." But where? And now that we're approaching the close of the year, I'm growing weary that I may not find work until 2010, in which case - I might  lose what little cool I have left. I was always told that having WB on my resume and having worked in LA would definitely work to my benefit and make me stand out. Here I am, ten months later and I'm not seeing the benefit. I search for hours every day. I've used up about every portal of networking I have, over and over again. What else is there? Even God seems stumped.

Dear marketing and advertising agencies in Chicago,
I'm a Marketing Coordinator/Assistant Manager/WhateverYouNeedMeToBe Extraordinaire, and looking to grow. I'm absolutely fabulous and work hard. I'm smart, I love to contribute, and have great ideas. I'm eager and excited to learn and ready to get my hands dirty. I just need a chance.


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